The relative merits of trailers, forklifts, conveyors and other popular material-handling methods have been discussed in great length within the industry - with differing conclusions.
FORKLIFTS OFFER MOBILITY AND FLEXIBILITY, BUT THEY LACK COST-EFFECTIVENESS. Only the forklift approaches the trailer train in mobility and flexibility. Yet, the single-purpose nature of forklifts - they are essentially dedicated loading and/or unloading units - combined with their prohibitive price and dependence on a skilled operator, often puts them in a negative light when value-per-dollar is compared to other systems - especially trailers. FIXED SYSTEMS CAN OFFER EFFICIENCY, BUT THEY LACK FLEXIBILITY. Fixed systems can operate efficiently, but they are also very costly - both to install and modify - and they suffer even more from limitations because of their static nature. If it becomes necessary to alter the course of a conveyor or gravity roller system, there are usually very limited options - and they come with substantial cost penalties. ORDINARY TRAILERS OFFER FLEXIBILITY AND ADAPTABILITY, BUT THEY SACRIFICE VALUABLE SPACE. Trailers have been shown to provide several advantages over single-purpose material-handling equipment such as forklifts, and fixed equipment like conveyors and gravity rollers. But in many cases, ordinary trailers aren't cost-effective because of the valuable space that must be sacrificed to allow them to turn. Limitations commonly imposed by tight plant layouts - and the inability of ordinary trailers to track directly behind the tow vehicle - have sometimes caused trailers to be overlooked when selecting the optimum material-handling system for a given application. THE RIGHT TRAILER MAKES GOOD SENSE. There is one trailer whose unique design allows it to outperform other trailers, as well as other popular material-handling methods. The Quad-Steer TRACKER™ Positive-Tracking Trailers from Peregrine, Inc. feature an exclusive design that overcomes the concerns associated with ordinary trailers, moving the trailer train concept to the forefront of material-handling efficiency. THE QUAD-STEER TRACKER™ TRAILER IS YOUR ULTIMATE MATERIAL-HANDLING PARTNER. The Quad-Steer TRACKER™ offers remarkable precision in tracking and turning up and down aisles and throughout tight floor plans - making more productive use of expensive floor space. With some Quad-Steer TRACKER™ models, a three-trailer train needs only 15 feet to make a 180-degree turn. Quad-Steer TRACKER™ trailers are available in nearly an unlimited array of styles and configurations. With the Roto-Hi-Dump Trailer and Rack System and other optional accessories, the Quad-Steer TRACKER™ fulfills virtually any material-handling requirement. Of course, all materials and finish are of the highest quality - and all are backed with our solid warranty. |
Four Reasons Why Trailers Make Sense.