Peregrine, Inc. is a privately held corporation based in Lincoln, Nebraska, founded in 1987 by Darryl Rivers, a great inventor and entrepreneur. Peregrine, Inc. is the creator and manufacturer of the Quad-Steer Positive Tracking Trailer.
Quad-Steer TRACKER
The Quad-Steer TRACKER™ Trailer is the pioneer of positive tracking trailers in the world. Because of this and Peregrine's philosophy of constant innovation while improving price and deliveries, the Quad-Steer TRACKER™ Trailer has been accepted by almost every industry and service category.
A Little History
When the Lincoln-based Cushman Company asked Mr. Rivers to custom-fabricate trailers to compliment their well-known tow vehicles, they had no idea the market would grow so fast. At that time, Rivers Metal Products, Inc. - a custom fabricator - sold trailers to Cushman Motors Corporation, its O.E.M.
The demand was so great that Cushman suggested that Mr. Rivers market his trailers directly to Cushman dealers. The Peregrine Corporation was formed and the Quad-Steer Positive Tracking Trailer expanded to its own open dealer network throughout North America. By 1989, Peregrine, Inc. had tripled in size, moved to its own building, began an aggressive marketing campaign, and established itself as a permanent member of the Material Handling Industry of America. By the end of 1990, Peregrine started looking for a larger building, since sales had increased so dramatically. Today, you can find Quad-Steer Positive Tracking Trailers in automotive, electronics, aerospace, food, metal fabrication, glass, furniture, and health industries. There are hospitals, office buildings, theme parks, military facilities and even sports stadiums that use the Quad-Steer TRACKER™. Applications are limited only by your imagination. Peregrine will always continue to make the very best material handling products at a competitive price.
Why Peregrine?
Our corporation was named after the Peregrine falcon, one of the most accurate birds in the world. This beautiful creature knows no boundaries and is always on the move. The Peregrine falcon determines its path and stays on that path throughout its journey.
Who Is Using Our Products?
Allison Transmission Disney World Mack Trucks Ambrake Corp. El Paso Zoo Navistar American Honda FedEx New Holland Amtrak Ford Paccar Aramark General Electric Penske (ACCI) Atlantic Research Corp. General Motors The Pentagon BNSF Railroad Guide Corp. Peterbilt Trucks
Boeing / McDonald Douglas Hertz Rockwell Collins Cessna Hobby Lobby Roper Corp. Coldmatic Refrigeration IRS Ryder Cushman John Deere Textron Daimler Chrysler Lockheed Martin TWA Dana Spicer Axle Lucent Technologies Valmont Delphi Mackie